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Name Description & Changelog Download MOD Date Added

Version 2.3

Language: English and German
For: IPCop 1.4.4 and above
MOD Revision: b2
File Size: 54.9 k

If upgrading from IPCop 1.4.4 to 1.4.8, Uninstall ALL MOD's from your IPCop first as MOST of the MOD's have been rewritten.
Then copy the new file to your IPCop log in to the console the issue the following commands.

rm -Rf /addons (or backup somewhere )
tar vxzf addons-2.3-CLI-b2.tar.gz -C /
cd /addons
./addoncfg -u (ignore errors about missing files/dirs)
./addoncfg -i
The Addon-Server setup program has been renamed to addoncfg to avoid confusion with the IPCop setup program. Addon-Server Version 2.3 has been tested with IPCop 1.4.4 and 1.4.8 and will not work with older versions.

Updates 1.4.7 and 1.4.8 have made IPCop more 'Addon Friendly' the next version shouldn't overwrite any of the MOD's

MODS will be tested and released ONLY for the version of IPCop that they are written for.

Screenshots IPCop 1.4.8 and above.

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